GTFS Schedule Validation Report

This report was generated by the Canonical GTFS Schedule validator, version 6.0.0 at 2025-03-27T15:42:10+02:00,
for the dataset No country code was provided.

Use this report alongside our documentation.

⚠ This feed contains GTFS Flex features. Please note that GTFS Flex validation support is still in development. You can manually review all the validation rules for Flex data here.

A new version of the Canonical GTFS Schedule validator is available! Please update to get the latest/best validation results.


Agencies included

Feed Info

Publisher Name:
Publisher URL:
Feed Email:
Feed Language:

Files included

  1. agency.txt
  2. calendar.txt
  3. calendar_dates.txt
  4. fare_attributes.txt
  5. fare_rules.txt
  6. routes.txt
  7. shapes.txt
  8. stop_times.txt
  9. stops.txt
  10. trips.txt


  • Agencies: 1
  • Blocks: 0
  • Routes: 6
  • Shapes: 15
  • Stops: 27
  • Trips: 48

Specification Compliance report

897 notices reported (0 errors, 865 warnings, 32 infos)

Notice Code Severity Total
equal_shape_distance_same_coordinates WARNING 25


Two consecutive points have equal shape_dist_traveled and the same lat/lon coordinates in shapes.txt.

When sorted by shape.shape_pt_sequence, the values for shape_dist_traveled must increase along a shape. Two consecutive points with equal values for shape_dist_traveled and the same coordinates indicate a duplicative shape point.

You can see more about this notice here.

shapeId (?) The id of the faulty shape. csvRowNumber (?) The row number from `shapes.txt`. shapeDistTraveled (?) Actual distance traveled along the shape from the first shape point to the faulty record. shapePtSequence (?) The faulty record's `shapes.shape_pt_sequence`. prevCsvRowNumber (?) The row number from `shapes.txt` of the previous shape point. prevShapeDistTraveled (?) Actual distance traveled along the shape from the first shape point to the previous shape point. prevShapePtSequence (?) The previous record's `shapes.shape_pt_sequence`.
"37511" 4658 750.1 17 4657 750.1 16
"37511" 4671 1282.9 30 4670 1282.9 29
"37511" 4679 1671.1 38 4678 1671.1 37
"37511" 4689 2009.4 48 4688 2009.4 47
"37511" 4705 2435.8 64 4704 2435.8 63
"37511" 4722 3054.5 81 4721 3054.5 80
"37511" 4737 3546.8 96 4736 3546.8 95
"37511" 4750 4106.5 109 4749 4106.5 108
"37511" 4761 4652.5 120 4760 4652.5 119
"37511" 4784 5201.7 143 4783 5201.7 142
"37511" 4798 5704.1 157 4797 5704.1 156
"37511" 4812 6148.6 171 4811 6148.6 170
"37513" 4900 1348.1 42 4899 1348.1 41
"37513" 4916 2098.2 58 4915 2098.2 57
"37513" 4929 2631.0 71 4928 2631.0 70
"37513" 4937 3019.1 79 4936 3019.1 78
"37513" 4947 3357.5 89 4946 3357.5 88
"37513" 4963 3783.9 105 4962 3783.9 104
"37513" 4980 4402.6 122 4979 4402.6 121
"37513" 4995 4894.9 137 4994 4894.9 136
"37513" 5008 5454.6 150 5007 5454.6 149
"37513" 5019 6000.6 161 5018 6000.6 160
"37513" 5042 6549.7 184 5041 6549.7 183
"37513" 5056 7052.2 198 5055 7052.2 197
"37513" 5070 7496.6 212 5069 7496.6 211
expired_calendar WARNING 5


Dataset should not contain date ranges for services that have already expired.

This warning takes into account the calendar_dates.txt file as well as the calendar.txt file.

You can see more about this notice here.

csvRowNumber (?) The row of the faulty record. serviceId (?) The service id of the faulty record.
4 "2218"
2 "2217"
8 "2216"
5 "2137"
3 "2224"
missing_recommended_file WARNING 1


A recommended file is missing.

You can see more about this notice here.

filename (?) The name of the faulty file.
missing_timepoint_value WARNING 834


stop_times.timepoint value is missing for a record.

Even though the column timepoint is optional in stop_times.txt according to the specification, stop_times.timepoint should not be empty when provided.

You can see more about this notice here.

Only the first 50 of 834 affected records are displayed below.

csvRowNumber (?) The row number of the faulty record. tripId (?) The faulty record's `stop_times.trip_id`. stopSequence (?) The faulty record's `stop_times.stop_sequence`.
2 "4584037" 1
3 "4584037" 2
4 "4584037" 3
5 "4584037" 4
6 "4584037" 5
7 "4584037" 6
8 "4584037" 7
9 "4584037" 8
10 "4584037" 9
11 "4584037" 10
12 "4584037" 11
13 "4584037" 12
14 "4584037" 13
15 "4584037" 14
16 "4584037" 15
17 "4584045" 1
18 "4584045" 2
19 "4584045" 3
20 "4584045" 4
21 "4584045" 5
22 "4584045" 6
23 "4584045" 7
24 "4584045" 8
25 "4584045" 9
26 "4584045" 10
27 "4584045" 11
28 "4584045" 12
29 "4584045" 13
30 "4584045" 14
31 "4584045" 15
32 "4584046" 1
33 "4584046" 2
34 "4584046" 3
35 "4584046" 4
36 "4584046" 5
37 "4584046" 6
38 "4584046" 7
39 "4584046" 8
40 "4584046" 9
41 "4584046" 10
42 "4584046" 11
43 "4584046" 12
44 "4584046" 13
45 "4584046" 14
46 "4584046" 15
47 "4584047" 1
48 "4584047" 2
49 "4584047" 3
50 "4584047" 4
51 "4584047" 5
unknown_column INFO 32


A column name is unknown.

You can see more about this notice here.

filename (?) The name of the faulty file. fieldName (?) The name of the unknown column. index (?) The index of the faulty column.
"fare_attributes.txt" "journey_duration" 8
"routes.txt" "eligibility_restricted" 11
"routes.txt" "bikes_allowed" 12
"routes.txt" "regional_fare_card" 14
"stops.txt" "stop_direction" 12
"stops.txt" "vehicle_type" 14
"stops.txt" "mta_stop_id" 17
"stops.txt" "regional_fare_card" 18
"stop_times.txt" "start_service_area_id" 1
"stop_times.txt" "end_service_area_id" 2
"stop_times.txt" "note_id" 5
"stop_times.txt" "to_stop_sequence" 16
"stop_times.txt" "route_short_name" 18
"stop_times.txt" "start_service_area_radius" 24
"stop_times.txt" "end_service_area_radius" 25
"stop_times.txt" "fare_period_id" 26
"stop_times.txt" "departure_buffer" 27
"stop_times.txt" "track" 28
"stop_times.txt" "mean_duration_factor" 29
"stop_times.txt" "mean_duration_offset" 30
"stop_times.txt" "safe_duration_factor" 31
"stop_times.txt" "safe_duration_offset" 32
"stop_times.txt" "free_running_flag" 33
"trips.txt" "note_id" 2
"trips.txt" "mean_duration_factor" 12
"trips.txt" "mean_duration_offset" 13
"trips.txt" "safe_duration_factor" 14
"trips.txt" "safe_duration_offset" 15
"trips.txt" "cars_allowed" 16
"trips.txt" "peak_offpeak" 17
"trips.txt" "mta_trip_id" 18
"trips.txt" "boarding_type" 19