GTFS Schedule Validation Report

This report was generated by the Canonical GTFS Schedule validator, version 6.0.0 at 2025-02-20T01:40:14+02:00,
for the dataset No country code was provided.

Use this report alongside our documentation.


Agencies included

Feed Info

Publisher Name:
Publisher URL:
Feed Email:
Feed Language:

Files included

  1. agency.txt
  2. calendar.txt
  3. routes.txt
  4. shapes.txt
  5. stop_times.txt
  6. stops.txt
  7. trips.txt


  • Agencies: 1
  • Blocks: 0
  • Routes: 28
  • Shapes: 70
  • Stops: 260
  • Trips: 269

Specification Compliance report

3122 notices reported (0 errors, 3120 warnings, 2 infos)

Notice Code Severity Total
missing_recommended_file WARNING 1


A recommended file is missing.

You can see more about this notice here.

filename (?) The name of the faulty file.
missing_timepoint_value WARNING 3115


stop_times.timepoint value is missing for a record.

Even though the column timepoint is optional in stop_times.txt according to the specification, stop_times.timepoint should not be empty when provided.

You can see more about this notice here.

Only the first 50 of 3115 affected records are displayed below.

csvRowNumber (?) The row number of the faulty record. tripId (?) The faulty record's `stop_times.trip_id`. stopSequence (?) The faulty record's `stop_times.stop_sequence`.
2 "48165" 1
3 "48165" 2
4 "48165" 3
5 "48165" 4
6 "48165" 5
7 "48165" 6
8 "48165" 7
9 "48165" 8
10 "48166" 1
11 "48166" 2
12 "48166" 3
13 "48166" 4
14 "48166" 5
15 "48166" 6
16 "48166" 7
17 "48166" 8
18 "48167" 1
19 "48167" 2
20 "48167" 3
21 "48167" 4
22 "48167" 5
23 "48167" 6
24 "48167" 7
25 "48167" 8
26 "48169" 1
27 "48169" 2
28 "48169" 3
29 "48169" 4
30 "48169" 5
31 "48169" 6
32 "48169" 7
33 "48169" 8
34 "48176" 1
35 "48176" 2
36 "48176" 3
37 "48176" 4
38 "48176" 5
39 "48176" 6
40 "48176" 7
41 "48176" 8
42 "48177" 1
43 "48177" 2
44 "48177" 3
45 "48177" 4
46 "48177" 5
47 "48177" 6
48 "48177" 7
49 "48177" 8
50 "56644" 1
51 "56644" 2
stop_too_far_from_shape WARNING 4


Stop too far from trip shape.

Per GTFS Best Practices, route alignments (in shapes.txt) should be within 100 meters of stop locations which a trip serves. This potentially indicates a problem with the location of the stop or the path of the shape.

You can see more about this notice here.

tripCsvRowNumber (?) The row number of the faulty record from `trips.txt`. shapeId (?) The id of the shape that is referred to. tripId (?) The id of the trip that is referred to. stopTimeCsvRowNumber (?) The row number of the faulty record from `stop_times.txt`. stopId (?) The id of the stop that is referred to. stopName (?) The name of the stop that is referred to. match (?) Latitude and longitude pair of the location. geoDistanceToShape (?) Distance from stop to shape.
131 "5232" "56646" 60 "14684" "Lieplaukalė" [55.9354974471734,21.831098374058865] 152.04079667279404
30 "26974" "7317012" 563 "14216" "Glaudžiai" [55.90637400000001,21.877556999999996] 1731.1842381583824
30 "26974" "7317012" 564 "10163" "Glaudžiai I" [55.90637400000001,21.877556999999996] 935.5388323636666
30 "26974" "7317012" 579 "19491" "Plungės autobusų stotis" [55.918779,21.851513000000004] 152.03315218543798
unknown_column INFO 2


A column name is unknown.

You can see more about this notice here.

filename (?) The name of the faulty file. fieldName (?) The name of the unknown column. index (?) The index of the faulty column.
"routes.txt" "bikes_allowed" 9
"stops.txt" "vehicle_type" 13